We all love our energy in CityVille because that is the main ingredients to a successful city! As many of you are aware of since April 1 we've offered a energy requester for all our fans to use when they're in desperate need of energy. This requester will sure get your city growing and hopefully you'll become wealthy once again! If you didn't know when you send energy to another person by clicking their link you get a small reward which is always handy for future use indeed. Read the following steps and hopefully you'll be an expert at our energy requester!
Just want to go to the requester? Then click
- Go to the Requester page.
- Navigate to the bottom of the page where you'll find facebook comments.
- In facebook comments write 'ME' or whatever with your energy link.
- Have a look at other peoples requests and click their link and you've sent it and you should have gained a reward for it.
- Your Done!
What do you think of this handy quick guide on our energy requester? Will you be using it in the future? We'd love to hear from you! Do tell us what you think of this in the comments section below.